Friday, September 28, 2007
Goals revisited!
I have been slacking off in the "goals" department, so I thought I'd quickly re-visit them and jot down some new ideas, too.First off, I am back at work PT, so that's put a damper on some of my sewing. In fact, several weeks passed where I didn't tough the sewing machine. A couple days ago, I brought it out and ended up being too forceful and braking the needle. I took that as a sign to quit, but really want to get back out there and make something.
I want to go to the thrift stores on bag days so I can stuff bags full of flannel nightgowns. I thought Christmassy/winter print would rock, because then I could make Johnna some lovely flannel pajama pants for winter. Hopefully I could find some nice comfy long-sleeved tops for her to go with (I don't even want to attempt sewing shirts yet!) But, that's one thing I've been thinking about.
Another thing is: there's a new knitting shop with beautiful books and yarns and projects, and oh, how I just really want to learn how to knit. I want to get to that point where I can say. Hmmmmmm....what to do? Oh, I think I'll knit a fun pair of socks! You know what I'm saying?
I've also been thinking about toys. Two ideas I've had are to track down some really nice, soft, sturdy felted wool (or make my own out of thrifted sweaters and a washing machine...I really want to try dying wool with kool aid, too. The bright colors I've seen look amazing and fun!) Anyway, however I go about it, I want to take that felted wool and make for Johnna:
1. a zoo! They don't have to be traditional zoo animals, I just want to design some little critters and then cut them up out of felt, and stuff with poly fill, and then have this little amazing fun collection of zoo animals!
2. make fruits and vegetables out of felt! John's parents brought over one of those old-skool shopping carts. Johnna *loves* to push it around. I'd just love to sew up/stuff apples, bananas, carrots, etc. for her to play with!
I thought those would make some fun Christmas gifts.
Anyway, I'm up on a mission: to bid and win (fingers crossed) a laptop for John. It's an ibook G3 (a step down from what we have), but he wants another so that he can start writing a book. I have got to go for now. I hope everyone is having a terrific, beautiful autumn so far!
Melissa at 10:45 PM
Friday, September 14, 2007
quick progression
When we got back from Michigan, the warmer, somewhat humid (but better than before!) weather was here to great us once again.
The sky was blue and open, rather beautiful, the bright sun shining happily over our the little section of the Earth we call home.

Today, and the last few days really, the sky has looked almost the same, only is it *MUCH* cooler! A new sort of "cuteness" has taken over Johnna, that of being "bundled up" in too big, snuggly fall-time clothing (hey, they're gonna have to last all winter long!) :)

This is my favorite time of year, and I am embracing it with much attentiveness and excitment!
Labels: autumn, nature, sunny, weather
Melissa at 2:46 PM